
After a pretty productive day in Mumbai, I’m on my way back home; Pune bound.

The whole day’s commute got me dead tired so I crashed off as soon as the bus departed from Chembur. I only opened my eyes when the bus stopped for a break at a food mall in Lonavala.

Sleep broken, I decided I’ll stay awake until I reach.

Lonavala was foggy as ever, tiny trails of lights on the twisting mountain roads, the rain water trickling down my window, wet roads, vehicle lights, everything made a perfect time for slow blues music.

Somehow the ambience in the bus wasn’t supportive at all…big bright lights glaring into my face…such a turn off!

Then the best thing ever happened!

That very moment as I was mentally cursing the lights, the driver decides to switch them all off. It was pitch dark except for a yellow light right above my head. I tried to switch it off but it seemed like the switch wasn’t working. This bulb was perpetually going to be on now.

That’s when the song ‘Mean Mistreater’ by Johnny Winter played. And oh my word! I felt I was in this cozy bar sipping on some old scotch, watching the world pass by.

The faulty light bulb above me projected a dim and cozy evening effect while the entire bus was blacked out. The light focused right down on my head putting me in focus like the protagonist of the scene.

This was my evening. I was the hero. Haha. The perfect blues mood.

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