My Blog

I don’t spend much time pondering. But when I do, I blog about it.


The Deafening Sound of Silence

The Deafening Sound of Silence

16JUNE, 2020Faith Life SocietyIt was mid afternoon on 14/06/2020 when I learnt about the sudden demise of a very young and talented Bollywood actor —Sushant Singh Rajput.   -Sushant Singh Rajput.     As soon as it struck me, I rushed to confirm if the news...

Your Foundation

Your Foundation

09JUNE, 2020Faith Life SocietyYou might be the most successful entrepreneur, the wealthiest businessman/woman, the brainiest student, the highest rated doctor, the most articulate scholar, the most reliable engineer or the best in whatever you do. But if thou hast not...

It’s a Wild World

It’s a Wild World

02JUNE, 2020Life SocietyIn our rat race for success, in our wild goose chase for wealth, we've lost our ability to hold our horses and learnt to count our chickens before they hatch. By busy fighting for animal rights rather than feeding our hungry neighbour, we...

Not By Chance

Not By Chance

27MAY, 2020 Faith Life Society There was a time we looked for comparison between man and ape (animals) now we look for comparisons between man and machine (robot/AI).   First we said we came from apes now we say we’ll be cyborgs. From animal to human to machine....

The Perfect Blues Mood

The Perfect Blues Mood

23SEPTEMBER, 2019Music Life SocietyAfter a pretty productive day in Mumbai, I’m on my way back home; Pune bound. The whole day’s commute got me dead tired so I crashed off as soon as the bus departed from Chembur. I only opened my eyes when the bus stopped for a break...

The Window

The Window

27SEPTEMBER, 2019Faith LifeRelationshipsSo, I’d like to call this situation a ‘window period’.  Let me explain. Having spent almost half my life now at sea, working offshore for various oil companies as a deep sea diver; my job requires me to dive deep (sometimes to...

Birth vs Death

Birth vs Death

Birth vs Death 29 NOVEMBER, 2018 Faith Life Society There’s a day that is celebrated with utmost importance and joy during our time here on earth. We call it our ‘birthday’.  In total contrast, there’s another day that is mourned with utmost sadness and grief; we call...

Our conscience is what makes us special

Our conscience is what makes us special

Our conscience 24 NOVEMBER, 2018 Faith Life Society Yes, science can prove how from a microscopic level the physicalities come together to bring into being a body that can be seen and felt. It’s so technologically advanced that it can show you a three dimensional...

What poverty has taught me

What poverty has taught me

08NOVEMBER, 2018Faith Life SocietyA few things poverty has taught me: 1. Its always kept me dependent on God. 2. It makes me give God the credit when I’m blessed with more. 3. It’s taught me not to boast. 4. It’s taught me to sacrifice. 5. It’s taught me to adjust and...