
A few things poverty has taught me:

1. Its always kept me dependent on God.
2. It makes me give God the credit when I’m blessed with more.
3. It’s taught me not to boast.
4. It’s taught me to sacrifice.
5. It’s taught me to adjust and compromise.
6. It’s always kept me in a place of humility.
7. It’s taught me to respect the poor and the rich.
8. It’s taught me to work harder.
9. It’s shown me the faces of a miser.
10. It’s taught me to value money.
11. It’s shown me that money is not everything.
12. It’s taught me to have hope.
13. It’s strengthened my faith in God.
14. It’s made me thank God when I see someone who has lesser.

Then Jesus said, “I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” -Matthew 19:24

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