Birth vs Death

Birth vs Death

Birth vs Death 29 NOVEMBER, 2018 Faith Life Society There’s a day that is celebrated with utmost importance and joy during our time here on earth. We call it our ‘birthday’.  In total contrast, there’s another day that is mourned with utmost sadness and grief; we call...
Our conscience is what makes us special

Our conscience is what makes us special

Our conscience 24 NOVEMBER, 2018 Faith Life Society Yes, science can prove how from a microscopic level the physicalities come together to bring into being a body that can be seen and felt. It’s so technologically advanced that it can show you a three dimensional...
What poverty has taught me

What poverty has taught me

08 NOVEMBER, 2018 Faith Life Society A few things poverty has taught me: 1. Its always kept me dependent on God. 2. It makes me give God the credit when I’m blessed with more. 3. It’s taught me not to boast. 4. It’s taught me to sacrifice. 5. It’s taught me to adjust...
Faithful till the end

Faithful till the end

06 APRIL, 2018 Faith Life Society What more shall I say about His faithfulness? He’s faithful to the end. He never goes an attometer away from what He has promised. What a great and merciful God I serve! His plans will always be for the prosperity of those that love...
The Outdoors

The Outdoors

The Outdoors 26 JANUARY, 2016 Travel Life Society “What would it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul?” -Mark 8:36 That’s the thought that passes through my head whenever I imagine living a luxurious life with all available...


Here’s a project of mine that I’d like to call ‘Hope’. ‘Hope’ because this particular project taught me to blindly believe and hope in God. I never really payed much attention to the plants that my mother grew in our little balcony garden. To rewind a few days ago, I...